Students will have a much better chance of really hearing and understanding the importance for a long time. Singing them in a song like this will help to reinforce the value of these qualities. The qualities listed are good and desirable. Since we do have the power to choose our responses, we can make them wise choices. The chorus of the song is where the message can really be driven home. Happily, this is something we can control, so if we are not pleased with our own responses, we can change them. Our response and reaction to those situations is what defines our character. That is, we are able to choose our responses to any and every situation life puts before us. In case you've never heard it yourself, the word responsible is based on two words, 'response' and 'able.' This is the basis for the song. Your students will feel right at home right away. While it has a sixteenth note underlayment laced with intricate rhythms weaving in and out of the ensemble sound, the pulse is undeniable.
The contemporary percussive rock beat is contagious in its repetition of the three beats that punctuate the beginning of most measures. It focuses on some very specific issues regarding character in a style that your students will identify with and appreciate. This song is the third song of the musical revue From The Inside Out.